This is a Test of Internal Emergency Broadcast System

SXSW proposal

This is a Test of Internal Emergency Broadcast System
Multimedia installation featuring interactive animatronic sculptures, projections, and music by Vladimir Rannev.

This is a Test of Internal Emergency Broadcast System is meant to explore the mechanized and nonsensical aspects of human life and a state of perpetual unrest, all the while poking fun at our fascination with the dark and animalistic parts of the human psyche. Inspired by the Surrealist approach to creating images, where the subconscious takes the lead, the piece will envelop the viewers in an enchanting world of fantastical creatures, beckoning them to reach places unavailable to the rational self.
Projection, motion-activated animatronics and original music by Russian Avant-garde composer Vladimir Rannev contribute to the creation of a seamless, immersive and somewhat disorienting experience, prompting the audience to question what is real and what is not.  Some of the animatronic sculptures, too, have a sound component. The visitors are encouraged to explore the space and activate the sculptures either by standing in front of them or by pressing buttons.
Technical assistance by Theodore Johnson.
Photos by Scott David Gordon