Gentleman from Cracow

The Gentleman from Cracow

Duration: 20 minutes
Concept and animation by Yuliya Lanina
Choreography by Caron Eule
Original music by Yevgeniy Sharlat

The Gentleman from Cracow was inspired by Isaac Bashevis Singer’s story of the same name which tells a tale of a poor Polish town turned upside down by the arrival of a rich Doctor who turns out to be the Chief of Devils. It was premiered at Salvatore Capezio Theater at Peridance, New York, NY. In this piece animation plays an active role. Part of the story is told through projected animation, at times we see the animal life in the village, at times the psychological state of the protagonists, at times the protagonists themselves. Dancers do not just dance in front of the animation, they often interact with it. At the end the main characters leave the stage turning into animated characters on the screen.

This project was made possible by generous support of BluePrint Fellowship (COJECO) and New York Studio Gallery residency. It was premiered during The Festival of Ideas for the New York City,  New Museum, New York, NY.